Tax attorneys must complete extensive legal training before they are able to represent many clients in tax levies and audits. Many who pursue this career choose to study at a university, but some also complete the required state-approved training while working full-time. Some who work for large law firms complete additional education degrees while working as part-time staff members on the firm’s tax department. Most of these tax attorneys must earn a Master’s degree from an accredited law school in a field such as accounting or corporate law before completing a J.D. degree. In order to become a tax attorney, these attorneys must earn a J.D. degree from an accredited law school in a discipline such as accounting or corporate law.
A tax attorney is one who is retained by the Internal Revenue Service or IRS to defend a taxpayer in court during an audit. These attorneys are often referred to as tax attorneys in tax cases. They are required to be licensed by the Texas Commission on Taxation, which regulates the professional practice of tax law. Tax attorneys must complete specific education courses before they may represent a client in a court of law. Each state has its own individual requirements for attorneys who are allowed to represent taxpayers in court.
Tax attorneys who work for large law firms in Austin, Dallas, Houston, San Antonio and other areas in Texas are usually required to obtain the minimum education needed to practice as a tax attorney. These best lawyers in Texas must also be certified by the State Bar Association or the State Tax Commissions. The Tax Attorney Training Institute provides these professionals with the educational training they need. This institute has over eight years of experience in providing tax attorney training and is known for its high quality training.
In order to qualify for the tax attorney training program at the TATA Institute, lawyers must take courses that teach them about taxes, criminal law, ethics, contracts, and state laws regarding the taxation of property, wages and profits. They must also obtain classroom training in areas of public law, such as how to write a persuasive opening and closing argument in a court of law. They must also spend at least six hours studying the United States Constitution and Texas Civil Code. During their training, they will also learn how to prepare briefs and arguments that help their clients successfully appeal a tax audit or levy case.
Many attorneys who are trained at the Texas Tax Attorneys Association (TATA) also receive additional training in areas such as commercial law, bankruptcy law and personal injury law. while attending the TATA Institute. Tax attorneys who have passed the state-mandated exam to become a tax attorney in Texas are known as tax litigators in this state.
Tax lawyers who work for large firms in Texas are required to undergo a background check and fingerprinting to be sure they are not only qualified to practice as a tax attorney in the state, but are also ethical and competent individuals. To protect their client’s interests, lawyers who work for large law firms must be thoroughly checked out to ensure they meet the standards set by the State Bar Association and the Texas Tax Lawyers Association. When interviewing a tax attorney, make sure you ask to see references and if the firm’s office is clean and orderly. If a tax attorney tells you that his or her office is messy and disorganized, run the other way!